
"Come here young lady. Where are you off to?" "I'm just off to see my friends sir, what about you?" "I was just going for a stroll, do you need some company?" "No thank you, I'm nearly there sir. I don't need you to walk with me." "But you're alone on the street, I think... Continue Reading →

Fair game

Has anything happened in your adult life, that made you instantly regress back to childhood? That frightened and unsure state of mind that eventually lead to you being misunderstood. Where people think you're the one overreacting, because they're too intoxicated. But hold on I'm the child here, why with these people are we affiliated? Why... Continue Reading →

Haunted Sleepover

This is actually based on a true story. My memory of the fact is slightly fuzzy, but I remember this happening and it still haunts me to this day. She had mentioned something before, said he didn't like me! Told me to be careful when I fell asleep. So as the night ended I finished... Continue Reading →

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